65261 Instruction TLB, 4 KBytes and 2 MBytes or 4 MBytes pages, 64 Entries
65262 Instruction TLB, 4 KBytes and 2 MBytes or 4 MBytes pages, 128 Entries
65263 Instruction TLB, 4 KBytes and 2 MBytes or 4 MBytes pages, 256 Entries
65264 Failed to set maximum selection range
65265 Failed to set calendar min/max range
65266 Failed to set calendar selected range
65267 Cannot change the size of a JPEG image
65268 JPEG error #%d
65269 JPEG Image File
65270 \n
65271 Each OLE target component must have a unique TWinControl designated as its AcceptorControl.\n\n%s has already been designated as %s.AcceptorControl. If you want to designate %s instead as %s.AcceptorControl, %s.AcceptorControl must first be set to nil.\n\n Do you want to do this?
65272 Null descriptor
65273 Instruction TLB, 4Kb pages, 4-way set associative, 32 entries